Paul Watson " Carnets de voyage"

Un blog pour Capitain Paul Watson / Blog dedicated to Capitain Paul Watson

posté le 26-06-2011 à 21:10:47

Wale wars - s03.e01 - surround by spies













The Sea Shepherds embark on another dangerous campaign as whaling season begins in the Antarctic;
A donation from former game-show host Bob Barker allows the group to purchase a former Norwegian whaling vessel.




La mer bergers se lancer dans une autre campagne dangereuse saison de chasse commence dans l'Antarctique;
Un don de l'ancien jeu-show Bob Barker permet au groupe d'achat d'un navire baleinier norvégien ancien.



Le film en streeming - English Language


Video crédits Seashepered 




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posté le 08-06-2011 à 17:00:01

Operation Blue Rage 2.






Last night in Lalaland before heading out tomorrow for the coast of Libya where things are heating up with the poachers in Operation Blue Rage 2.



Brigitte Bardot and Steve Irwin are chasing seiners out of the restricted zone left and right under the watchful eyes of NATO.






Hier soir, à Lalaland avant de partir demain pour la côte de la Libye où les choses sont de chauffage avec les braconniers à l'Opération Blue Rage 2.
Brigitte Bardot et Steve Irwin poursuivez senneurs sur la gauche et à droite zone réglementée sous le regard attentif de l'OTAN.




 Capitain Paul Watson




posté le 07-06-2011 à 22:37:26

Confessions of a Eco - Terrorist












posté le 07-06-2011 à 22:25:22

The Continuing Adventures of a Blue list Desperado









Ever since Pete Bethune sang like a canary to the Japanese authorities and made accusations that implicated me in a conspiracy to board a Japanese whaling ship, I have been on the Interpol Blue list. Loose lips not only sink ships but they get people on lists.





What this means is that there is no warrant for my arrest but Japan has given a green light for me to be harassed. It’s a politically inspired list, not a legal one. China has the Dalai Lama on it and anyone who is viewed as a dissident by some government or another sometimes gets listed.




I discovered I was on the list early last year when a casual drive across the border from Canada into the United States set off actual alarms and sirens and suddenly I had a half a dozen Homeland security boys crouched behind concrete barriers with guns pointed at my head. I was handcuffed and marched into the Customs house like bad guy in a bad police drama and then released after a few minutes and told I was free to go.





The reason for the guns? Apparently I’m described on the list as an “armed and dangerous eco-terrorist.” Wow, I can understand the over reaction.





But then they run my passport and with puzzled looks they see there is no warrant and thus no cause to hold me.






“Just Japan being cute.” I say each and every time I cross the border.







Although the Interpol blue list is international, the only two countries that react are the United States and Canada. No problems In Europe, or Africa, or Australia, nope just the good old USA and dreary old Canada.






I’ve learned to take it in stride. I mean after all they can’t deny me entry to my own country.





On this recent trip I discover a new twist. My air ticket was Paris to Chicago with a connection to Vancouver.





Checking in with United Airlines at Charles DeGaulle airport I got the usual, “excuse me a moment sir, there seems to be a problem with your reservation. We have to call the reservation desk.”






“That’s okay,” I answered with a smile, “You’re actually calling Homeland security in the U.S. because I’m on the Interpol Blue list. No worries, it happens every time, they’ll call back in a few minutes with a clearance.  I do appreciate you being polite about it however. Thank-you.”





And usually it does take a few minutes but this time it took considerably longer. Good job I arrived at the airport three hours in advance.





The glitch was the reservation covered two countries, Canada and the U.S.A. and Canada was not going to allow me with my U.S. passport into the true north strong and free.


“I’m sorry sir, we can get you to Chicago but Canada is saying no. There’s nothing we can do.”





“Well that’s silly. There must be some way around this.”


“Unless you have a Canadian passport, there’s nothing we can do. Sorry sir.”     


I smiled. “Well as a matter of fact I just happen to have a Canadian passport as well.”


I handed the passport over and he called the Canadian bureaucrat on the other end of some line somewhere and I was cleared to go.


It just took forty minutes but patience has its rewards and after explaining the whole blue list fiasco and chasing whalers out of the Southern ocean and all, they bumped me up to business class.





I’ve actually come to enjoy the benefits of being a member of the Blue List elite. I get escorted to the head of those long clearance lines and I’m out the door before most everyone else. And I’ve gotten to know many of the Homeland security men and women, and many of them are fans of the Whale Wars show and mostly all, are very friendly.              

 Commentary by Captain Paul Watson




Arriving at Chicago, I was met at the gate by a couple of friendly officers and escorted straight to the front of the line and out the door. Good thing. United was late and I would have missed my connection if not for the Blue List elite treatment.





Maybe Pete Bethune and the Japanese government did me a favour after all.    

posté le 07-06-2011 à 22:10:01

Sea Shepherd Crew at Work on The Bob Barker / De Retour au travaille pour le equipage de Bob Barker







Bob Barker

Photo source -




Le équipage du Mythique Bateaux, Bob Barker, est de retour au travaille, pour une nouvelle mission de la guerre contre les chasseurs de Baleines.






The team of Bob Barker is back to work, for a new session of Wale war




















1. chanel lunettes  le 09-06-2011 à 01:22:52  (site)

Véritable reconnaissants pour vos messages. J'ai été en regardant autour de la page, comme mes collègues l'ont mentionné que d'eux, et a été ravie quand je peux le trouver après une longue période de temps pour trouver. J'espère démontrer commentaire approprié reconnaissants pour votre site, car il est une chose très inspirant, et de nombreux auteurs ne reconnaissent pas la sécurité qu'ils méritent. Je crois que je serai de retour, sans aucun doute un bon ami m'a envoyé

2. nike free   le 09-06-2011 à 01:27:39  (site)

Bien sûr, nous sommes réellement impressionnés par la connaissance de eye-popping, vous payez. Certaines deux idées dans ce post ne fait aucun doute que je n'ai jamais vu le plus impressionnant.


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