Paul Watson " Carnets de voyage"

Un blog pour Capitain Paul Watson / Blog dedicated to Capitain Paul Watson

posté le 07-02-2011 à 16:32:23

Wekend on New - Zeland

Wellington, New Zealand is overwhelmingly supportive.
 We are getting all the supplies and services we need. No hassles from the government.
 Kiwi's love whales, no doubt about it



1. ziva alfette  le 15-05-2012 à 06:30:23  (site)

de tout coeur avec vous capitain paul watson j'espère que justice sera faite et que vous serez enfin libérée merci pour vos actions pour sauver nos géant de la mer et des océans respect a vous

2. ziva alfette  le 15-05-2012 à 06:30:28  (site)

de tout coeur avec vous capitain paul watson j'espère que justice sera faite et que vous serez enfin libérée merci pour vos actions pour sauver nos géant de la mer et des océans respect a vous

posté le 31-01-2011 à 00:43:03

The tempest

The Tempest


This poem was written in January 2008 as the Steve Irwin sailed South to confront the Japanese whaling fleet. I wrote it during the storm in an attempt to capture the emotions of the crew and the groaning of the ship.


In confidence my ship sailed South,

Oblivious to danger,

I feared not the coming storm,

To such winds I was no stranger.


But amongst my crew were virgin sailors

Some still sea-sick from just the gentle motions,

For them I knew this would be a test,

And fear would dominate their emotions


The mild sea gave way to rising swells,

Whitecaps spit their salty spray

The swells did begin to rise with the tide,

And upon the dark shroud did flay,


The apprentices on the deck looked towards the rising clouds

Young eyes grew wide with growing apprehension.

Lightning crackled in the sky,

There was growing comprehension.


The tempest burst upon us like a bomb,

The wind plucked the lines in a deadly dearth 

The winds wailed through the rigging,

And from dark clouds the storm gave birth.


With lightning flash the rains did lash,

And scoured the decks completely clean,

The wind rose to a frightening roar,

And howled forth like a fiend.


Like a Banshee’s mournful deadly wail,

The evil winds did taunt

Disturbing every dead sailor’s bones

From the depths they rose to haunt.


Within the gale we heard them chuckle

The aquatic ghouls put on a grisly show

They sought for us to join them,

To share in their pitiful soggy woe


“Ignore the fiends,” the Captain cried.

“Ignore the sultry Sirens to,

We shan’t be joining them tonight,

No,  not this gallant crew.”


The ship did rock and it did roll,

Like a toy boat at the mercy of the gale,

Helpless we watched and kept the course,

Hoping the engines would not fail,


To drive into a Cyclone’s maw,

Is to spit into God’s merciless face,

Prayers and pleads are useless words,

When salt is all you taste.


The wind drives salt from your eyes,

It hurls brine into your frozen face,

Your skin it crawls with the crystals sharp,

This hell provides no safe place.


You watch the bow plunge and dive,

The sea assaults the lonely deck,

The hull it groans and the keel does shiver,

Terrified rats get set to jump the wreck,


The pounding increases as the winds rage on,

Glass is shattered, the lifeboats torn away,

The ship rolls and moans like a dying thing,

And the crew curses every minute of the day.


The savage winds rode on our stern,

The monstrous gale kicked us in our ass,

We surfed upon mountainous seas,

Yearning for the storm to pass.


Salted water flogged us like slaves

As we fought to keep the ship on course,

Blind and deaf we bent our backs,

My God what an awesome force!


Soaked and tired and frozen stiff,

Fingers numb and elbows sore,

Striving to stay awake and alert,

Thank God, we’re far offshore.


I shutter to think what a reef would do,

Such winds would dash us to a crushing hell,

No rocks out here to strike a lethal blow,

Each roll does strike the bell.


Sailors tossed like rag dolls across the heaving sea,

She taunts and teases and scoffs at our displeasure.

Our moans and pains mean naught to her,

Her destruction knows no measure.


And as if to illustrate her rage,

She pelts us with hardened balls of hail,

Then slathers us with hoary rotten sleet,

As the gale continues to scream and wail.


And through the wind blown rain I see,

Just how majestic her power emerges,

Admiration removes all fear,

And I hear the poetry in her howling dirges.


I smile and lick the salt from my lips,

Content to ride this storm to hell,

And in that moment the wind did sigh,

And a calm spread out upon the swell,


The sun pierced the dark grey clouds,

A golden ray did stab the deck and mast.

A rainbow struggled across the sky,

The storm was over at last.


Within hours calm was restored,

The recent past was like a dream,

The violence fled without regret,

From the drying deck rose steam.


A sailors first storm is a nightmarish thing,

Driving fear into the heart and soul,

Once over it reveals just how sweet life really is,

The enlightenment achieved is worth the fearful toll.  

On Facebook


posté le 28-01-2011 à 03:08:55

The High Road to Damascus - Chapter From God's Monkey House

The Acts 8.58: And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and

the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose

name was Saul.

           Thus enters the biggest troublemaker in the history of the Western World. Jesus was just a figurehead, this guy became the instigator of the most perverse Christian scheme ever devised for creating a more ignorant and destructive world.


          Paul was the inventor of Christianity. Jesus was the unwitting source and the foundation of Christianity but Jesus never had any intention of founding a church. Paul was the self-conscious creator and the energy that organized Christianity as a new religion. Paul willfully manipulated Christianity as a separate and distinct entity in relation to Judaism and Paganism. According to Joseph Klausner in his book <span>From Jesus to Paul</span>, "Without Jesus no Paul and no Nazarenes, but without Paul no world Christianity."(a)


          I always felt that it was both ironic and somehow appropriate that the Founder of the Roman Catholic Church was apparently responsible for murdering the first Martyr of the Church. Saul had Stephen stoned or as the Bible says in The Acts 8.1: And Saul was consenting unto his death.


            Not content with killing St. Stephen, Saul then goes about breaking into houses, kicking down doors, and dragging men and women off to prison for the crime of listening to stories about God's kid.


             Now, one thing you have to understand about Saul was that he was a mixed up spoiled brat. He was from a wealthy upper class Hebrew family of the tribe of Benjamin, and was a Grecian from Asia Minor, born in A.D. 10 or A.D. 17(2) in the city of Tarsus. He was an educated citizen of Tarsus, and he was also a citizen of Rome. He spoke and read Greek, Latin and Aramaic. When of age, his parents sent him to Judea for a proper religious education where he allegedly became a Pharisee and professed to be a student of the liberal priest Gamaliel. The Romans probably tolerated him for his citizenship while distrusting his religion. The Jews tolerated him for his religion while distrusting his citizenship. As a member of the Hellenistic disphora he held convictions that were regarded with great suspicion by Palestinian Jews.


          Glimpses of his personality can be ascertained through his writings, most notably his letters. He comes across as overly sensitive, intensely serious, manic-depressive, and totally lacking in a sense of humour. His letters also reveal deep frustrations and low self-esteem. In Jerusalem he was a man with something to prove. Using his authority as a citizen of Rome, he became the sword of the Orthodox Jews and began a reign of terror against the believers of Christ.


         According to Acts 9. 1: And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord..... Again the Founder this time as terrorist and mass-murderer. This began a long tradition in the Holy Land of terrorists and murderers ruling nations. It's a tradition that continues to the present century with Jewish Stern Gang terrorist Menachem Begin planting bombs in Hotels (King David Hotel), killing men, women and children, and then becoming Prime Minister of Israel. The history of the Jews illustrates that when they themselves are not being persecuted and slain, they are busy doing the persecution and the slaying. The history of hypocrisy in the middle east carries on with mass murderers like Begin, Arafat, and Sadat actually winning the Nobel Peace prize, a hypocrisy in itself considering Alfred Nobel was the inventor of dynamite and a great contributor to the record death tolls tallied in the Great War of 1914. But back to Paul, the original Christian terrorist.


               Then this great killer, having run out of people to persecute in Jerusalem is called to Damascus to root out heretics there. The man must have been good at his profession to be called to another city as a professional hit man for the synagogues.


            Long road journeys were not uncommon in the middle east of Saul's day. The Romans had built a first class system of roadways and travel was both safe and relatively comfortable during the time of the Pax Romana. The roads were heavily traveled and a system for changing horses and for repairing chariots was well established. The Roman equivalent of the highway patrol kept the highway safe from thieves.(!)  


               And it was on one of these Roman highways; the road to Damascus that Saul had his great conversion and the world was never the same again.


               What was the cause of this conversion? I think that I have deduced the answer from the clues within the text of the Bible and Paul's own writings.


          As a well-to-do Roman citizen on a mission to uphold peace and security within the Roman realm, it is reasonable to assume that Saul rode on horseback along with a retinue of Roman cavalry as an escort. These Roman soldiers would have carried with them, the traditional Roman meal which consisted of raw grains to be chewed while riding or marching. These grains included among others, wheat, barley and most importantly the grain rye.


          The Acts 9. 3: And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round him a light from heaven:

         9.4: And he fell to the Earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?


          Something caused Saul to fall from his horse to the ground. He saw a bright light and he heard a voice speaking to him. The nature of the voice and it's content may well have been caused by the guilt


           I myself had the same experience in 1969, I saw a blinding continuous light, a flower and an orange spoke to me and said that I was one with God. My excuse was that I was tripping in the park on pure LSD 125 which I had recently liberated from the BioChem Department. The point is it was the exact same experience with the difference being that I didn't rush out and start a church, although come to think of it, I did rush out and became one of the Founders of the Greenpeace Foundation which is probably the modern equivalent of the same - - considering that Greenpeace has become wealthy, arrogant, revisionist and as useless as the Catholic Church. With luck, I'll be a green saint someday although some in Greenpeace have called me an Anti-Christ, hell, I'll go along with that.


         But back to old Saul. He then opened his eyes and saw no man, he was blind. His followers led him by the hand into Damascus where he remained blind for three days and did not eat or drink.


          In Corinthians 12:7, Paul says:


           And lest I should be exalted above measure through the

          abundance of the revelation, there was given to me a thorn

          in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I

         should be exalted above measure.    


          In his book, <span>From Jesus to Paul,</span> Joseph Klausner writes:


          "Many have been the attempted explanations of this "thorn" ("sting") or "sharp stake" in the flesh of Paul; it is almost certain that it is the same as the "temptation" in his flesh which caused contempt and "spitting." Nearly all agree that a severe ailment is meant. But what sort of an ailment?"(b)


          Klausner wrote that some speculation in the past had focused on Malta fever, malaria or neurasthenia. He rejected these theories because they did not produce the symptoms described. Instead he suggested the "falling sickness" or epilepsy. Klausner relies on the biblical reference to Saul having fallen down and suggests that this and his apparent blindness suggest an epileptic seizure. 


          These are classic symptoms of convulsive ergot poisoning caused by ingestion of the mold ergot, which grows exclusively on the rye plant.


           In her book, <span>Poisons of the Past, </span> Mary Kilbourne Matossian describes convulsive ergotism as:


             Convulsive ergotism might be better labeled "dystonic ergotism." It is characterized by nervous dysfunction, such as writhing, tremors, and wry neck, which in the past were frequently reported as "convulsions" or "fits". It is now known that ergot alkaloids do not produce true convulsions, in which consciousness is lost, but some ergot alkaloids interfere with the activity of dopamine in the body, causing muscle spasms as well as confusion, delusions, and hallucinations.


           Now if we list Saul's symptoms and compare them with the list of matching symptoms of ergot poisoning, we can see the similarities quite distinctly.



Symptoms Reported Affecting Saul

Convulsive Ergot Poisoning Symptoms


Saw a blinding light. Acts 9.3

Hallucinations, confusion, psychosis.


Falls to the ground. Acts 9.4

Nausea, weakness, muscle pain.


Hears the voice of God. Acts 9.4

Hallucinations, delusions, psychosis.


Trembling. Acts 9.6

Tremors, spasms, writhing.


Temporary blindness. Acts 9.8 & 9.9

Temporary or permanent blindness


Assistance in walking. Acts 9.8

Weakness, lameness.


No appetite. Acts 9.9.

Nausea, diarrhea, depressed appetite.


Note: Symptoms of convulsive ergotism taken from pp. 11-12 of <span>Poisons of the Past  Molds, Epidemics, and History </span>by Mary Kilbourne Matossian.  


         The similarity to my own single LSD experience in the sixties is understandable. Again referring to Matossian's writing on ergotism:


           Ergot might also produce temporary or permanent psychosis. (1) Among the known ergot alkaloids with hallucinogenic properties are ergine, ergonovine and lysergic acid hdroxyethylamide.(2) In the laboratory it is now relatively easy to extract lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) from lysergic acid, which is the basic ergot alkaloid. Moreover, through the action of other fungi, LSD may appear in natural ergot as well. (3) 

<span> </span>

<span>Poisons of the past. </span>pp. 9.  (1) ref: Fritz Siemens, "Psychosen bei Ergotismus"  Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten II, no. 1-2 (1880) pp. 366-390. (2) Richard E. Schultes and Albert Hoffmann. <span>The Botony and Chemistry of hallucinogens, </span>2d ed. (Springfield, Ill. 1980), p.37.  (3) Ralph Emerson, <span>Mycological relevance in the nineteen seventies.</span> Transactions of the British Mycological Society 60 (1973), pp. 363-387.  


            The evidence is there. Roman meal was a common ration eaten during travels by Roman soldiers and citizens. Saul was Roman presumably with a Roman military escort. If not an escort he was a Roman citizen who would be inclined to travel in the efficient Roman manner. There is no absolute proof that he carried Roman meal but certainly the possibility is high that he did and the consequences suggest that he did. It is a fact that Roman meal did contain grain from the rye plant. The rye plant is the only plant that carries the parasitical mold ergot. Ergot is a natural source for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Thus there is reasonable evidence to suggest that Saul could have ingested ergot and the symptoms that he suffered are all known and observable symptoms of ergot poisoning.


          The answer therefore is simple. Saul was tripping on acid (LSD from ergot) and his trip to Damascus was actually a high trip to Damascus.


           And thus the foundation of the most Holy Roman Catholic church began with hallucinations and delusions suffered under the influence of a natural narcotic.    


          It is also very interesting that this is the only occasion that Paul writes of, that he heard the voice of God speaking directly to him. If this man were in reality the prophet of God, then why the one-shot conversation? In my own experience, the only time a flower and an orange ever talked to me and said that I was one with God was when I was under the influence of the narcotic LSD. I never took the drug again - it was my first and last experience and also my only vivid "Christian religious mystical" experience.


            I do not reject out of hand that Klausner was completely wrong about his thesis that Paul suffered a fit of epilepsy. Paul could very well have been an epileptic and ergot could have instigated his "fit". I believe however that the evidence presented by the described symptoms is more symptomatic of ergotism then epilepsy and I would contend that it was ergot that was responsible for Paul's condition.


           Paul's condition of being one with God i.e. his state of divinity was brief. There is little evidence after the "vision" of anything radically profound in his beliefs. True, he embraced the idea of Jesus as Saviour and rejected his allegiance to traditional Judaism both Palestinian and Hellenistic. However he remained very conservative in his continued adherence to established power and culture. He preached loyalty to the Roman state and accepted slavery, the inferiority of women, hierarchies and class injustice. He placed all of what he thought as alright with his world under the category of "God's will" and conveniently placed that which he thought was wrong i.e. sexual immorality, and challenges to his authority as the workings of Satan. 


           Paul himself stated that he was "all things to all men."


            This great expounder of Christian love had little compassion for the plight of Roman slaves.


             Ephesians 6:5, Servant, be obedient to them that are your

             masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling,

             in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;

             6:6, Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants

             of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;

            6:7 With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to


            6:8 Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the

            same shall he recieve of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.


            Paul the free man, the citizen of Rome spoke very lightly of the burden of servitude. He never once spoke against it and his preaching to Christian slaves admonished them to except their lot as the will of God.


             Paul also preached female subservience to man. He advocated loyalty to the State and refrained from criticizing the political oppressions of the State although he openly was critical of the morality of Roman citizens.


            The Romans were very tolerant of Paul and his Christian beliefs. He was expelled to Rome from Judea by Procurator Festus and escorted under guard by the centurion Julius (Acts 27). In Rome, Paul was allowed to dwell by himself.


            Acts28:30 - And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired

            house, and received all that came onto him,

            31. Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things

            which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no

            man forbidding him.                   



          Paul was successful because he was able to exploit historical circumstances to willfully create a new faith. There were four fundamental reasons for the rise of Paul's new religion. First, the dispersion of the Jews outside of Palestine. Secondly, the Hellenistic Jewish culture of the disphoric Jews throughout the Roman Empire and Paul's emergence from this culture coupled with his stature as a Roman citizen. Thirdly, the Pax Romana which allowed for efficient and safe travel and communications throughout the Roman Empire and fourthly, the spiritual conditions among the Gentiles during the time of  the Emperors Caligula, Claudius and Nero.   




1. Ryan  le 24-04-2011 à 09:44:24

When will the whole book be published?

posté le 28-01-2011 à 02:21:53

404 Poetrie by Capitain Watson


The magic of numbers conveyed in meaning not of words

The Judaic code of 666 meant the evil of Nero

Translated into the more modern evil Satanic myth

Priests easily manipulating the docile human herds

Always ready with the acceptable romantic hero

Always armed with some promising moralistic gift.

Psychopathic 101 opens the iron door

Orwell’s nightmarish torture room

Clearly marked 101 on a brass plate

1984 lies open on the stone floor

Paving the way to the hero’s tomb

For death is always the hero’s fate 

Tragedies arise bearing birthdates 

Beckoning for emergency assistance

911 - a date and a telephonic life ring

An ominous date for the United States,

The same date of the death of Chilean resistance

The date when Mountain Meadow Mormon bullets did sting 

Morbid Muslim extremists lethally kissing skyscrapers

Room 101 established in a dank Santiago prison

Kansas pioneers dying in the sun under the banner of God

The Koran nothing more than a guidebook for wisdom rapers

Rejecting all science except television and nuclear fission.

Sacrificial pioneer blood fertilizing Utah sod

They never knew what fate awaited them that day,

Hijacked planes rudely smacking life aside for Allah’s vain glory,

Chilean children beaten to death by American trained fascist thugs,

September 11th, 1855, 1973 and 2001 dates of fate one can say

Death, politics and religion the theme of each story

In a world where wealth is based on weapons, corruption and drugs.

July 4th, 1776, a nation was born under “ God” to rule humanity

Democracy distorted to serve commerce and trade

Sparking the seeds of emerging neo-Crusades

A melting pot of collective multi-ethnic insanity

Leading to a world where everyone must be afraid,

An iron fist to emerge as freedom fades.

Old feuds from Sumerian and Semitic deserts revived

Cultures condemned to repeat their crazy mistakes.

Isis and Ra reincarnated over and over again,

Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Joe Smith, all lied,

Truth revealed and exposed as holy fakes,

Fakes wearily reborn again and again.

The Vatican had its own Room 101 in Spain,

The Inquisition taught the Jews a thing or two,

Franciscan demons on the loose with saintly stakes and holy whips.

In the name of Christ and love inflicting pain

Driving dying dogma into their victims heads with a holy screw

The bitter vinegar of deceit dripping from the most holy of lips

Cuneiform words on tablets of clay.

Ink of blood and soot on papyrus scrolls

Gold leafed letters printed on Biblical tomes.

Every prophet itching to have their say,

Desperate to fulfill their bizarre neurotic roles,

Armies marching, killing millions, destroying their homes.

Vanity and insanity stamped into symbols of power

Swastikas, crosses, stars, and crescent moons,

Silly symbols to confuse weak and feeble brains,

Symbols that force people to fear, cry and cower,

Listening to men as crazy as frightened loons

Mumble on about saintly demon semen stains

Gods fornicating with virgins with divine pricks

Producing bastard charismatic trouble makers

Disguised as Lydia’s swan or Miriam’s winged stud

The foundation for the laying of temple bricks

Creating an incredible diversity of mystical fakers

The origin of suffering, producing oceans of blood.

Our species has lived fifty centuries of make believe,

Obsessed with alienating ourselves from nature,

Creating fantasies to provide meaning and form,

A complex socio-spiritual tapestry we do weave

Within which we define our status and stature,

The cost is a continuous blood drenching storm.

New realities redefined with each generation born,

Where each person is stripped of choice and thought,

Dressing, talking, dancing, singing like each other,

Claiming rebellion against parents they scorn,

Everyone a commodity and taught to be bought,

Hating and loving both father and mother

There was no ancient wisdom or insight,

The ancients knew little and understood less

It was the sickness of anthropocentric conceit

Ideas were produced to give reason to fight

No organization, just a cluttered misunderstood mess

People behaved like sheep and oh so loudly did they bleat,

And today, three quarters of Americans believe in angels,

Winged creatured servants of a dictatorial simian god

Can reason and freedom exist in a world of flying monkeys in the sky?

Paganistic cast-offs like Hermes and Athena evolving to become angels

Angels descending from heaven or appearing in the land of Nod,

Fallen angels, sexless mysteries, freaky fabled fabrications on the fly.

Secret ancient mysteries keep us on our squirrelly toes

Quests for grails, arks, and secret hermetic societies

Searching for eternal youth and inner peace,

Deified botoxic bliss injected as cold blood flows

The Ark of the Covenant utterly failed ancient societies

They fell as time cut them down, ending their lease 

If God is all powerful and supreme then why is he powerless?

A force of sentience condemned to the tortures of immortality,

A deity that has no choice but to exist for all time.

A frustrated God with a jealous wrath, forever restless,

An invention to spearhead hominid chauvinistic morality 

The problem is that the data simply does not rhyme.

Where is heaven and where is hell?

It exists not outside the human mind,

Reality is more complex and more divine,

Do the souls of oysters depart their shell 

Or is this simply an illusion of crazy mankind?

A species in constant lust for a meaningful sign.

Faith is an earthen dam against depression,

A flood of black bile held back by willful force,

Waiting to devour happiness and hope,

Ready to pounce with lethal repression,

Life’s frail magic sucked from it’s source

An emotional crutch embraced in order to cope

Dominance is the law of the creatures from the ancient trees

Frail creatures afflicted with self loathing and fear 

Falling like dark hairy angels from the canopy above, 

Hominids dropping from branches on bended knees

Compassion limited to a selfish tear

Descent achieved by a bully’s brutish shove.

Stocking fall out shelters in fear of Y2K

Madness spawned by meaningless dates,

The end of the world in cyberspace

Much like the Christian end of days in Y1K 

God spilling his guts across the United States,

Fertilizing hysteria with hypocritical grace.

Tumbled in an addictive cycle of hope and despair,

Forensic nightmares of lost lottery winnings,

Songs competing endlessly on the charts,

The quest for ratings the only care

Tabloid reportage of celebrity sinnings,

Apocalyptic horses snorting, eager to start.

Poets sitting on Greek beaches drunk with passion,

Gurus offering their wares for sale on the internet,

My Space Musicians competing for applause,

Data and profit having replaced compassion,

Save the whales, collect the whole set,

Save the coin, reject the cause.

If the world ends with a whimper, who is to blame?

T.S. Elliot I suppose for thinking such a depressing thought

Putting words into the mouths of men with brains of stale straw,

Resignation is the high cost of frenzied fame,

Surrendering to weariness after trivial battles fought

Tired of swaggering politicians flapping their jaw.

Into the Emperor’s ear whispered the loyal slave

“Remember you are only mortal.”

The haughty popes were never so humble

Life is a one way path to the grave

The shadowy misty ghostly myth is not immortal

Over marble gravestones lost wraiths do stumble

Thus we love our faithful dogs for they don’t live very long,

Loyal and obedient they test the waters of oblivia,

Making death more acceptable, more real,

Mourning their passing is a rehearsal for our own last song

In the end it is the same brand of trivia,

No matter what we do, there is a limit to the time we steal.

All great poets are dead poets, as are all great saints,

Great artists never reap the benefits of their own skills,

Royalties go to enrich their inferior seeds

Never satisfied is the hand that plays or paints,

Satisfaction is the reward of those who reap their wills,

For rare flowers are always suffocated by common weeds.


The fate of our fame and worth after we eighty six,

It’s all cyber speak these days you see

Data locked behind an invisible digital door

Open to manipulation by neurotic needy nerds who need their nightly fix,

Information and images of one’s existence available if there is a key 

404 is when the data disappears, 

Words passing sentence of final denial,

If Google does not find you, you cease to exist

Extinction of the self tops the list of our fears

Hard copy records are going out of style

As identity fades into the murky digital mist.

Room 101 has become Room 404,

At least in Room 101 you felt something real

Even pain is better than nothingness,

Room 101 had a real blood stained floor and double locked door

Room 404 is simply surreal

A place like heaven ravaged by hellishness.

There is no door to Room 404,

Entry is through desperate dreams of dark despair and destruction,

Escorted by taunting death, dreamless destiny and dangerous desire,

Lying naked on a forbidden pestilent plagued distant shore

All vision obscured by a monstrous obstruction

Shame cleansed away with sacred scarring fire.

The ultimate psychopath is the corporation

Self-centred, narcissistic without responsibility or remorse

No conscience, no empathy, no compassion,

The human population has reached maximum saturation,

A viral epidemic preying upon nature with a willful deadly force,

Thinking thoughts approved by established education

One day electricity will course through unmanned aging veins

Computers screens will hum with silent keyboards

Monitors staring sightlessly into nowhere

Nature at last will snatch back the reins

Humanity will have dropped all their nuclear swords

And once again with all species the survivors will share.

For this is the way our world will end,

In shattered myth and lost electronic files,

Not with a bang and not with a whimper, and not by nuclear cancer

In a flickering message someone will send.

A robot will search for humanity’s files,

And 404 will be the answer. 



posté le 28-01-2011 à 02:16:15





Paul Watson
It's time to end the drama over the Pete Bethune and Ady Gil issues. They can take me to court if they have a grievance and we can discuss it there.
There is no need and no value in further debates on this issue.
They can continue to criticize me from Ady's hot tub if they like, but I've got more important things to deal down here in the Southern Ocean.
There will be no further responses from me.


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